
Monday May 21, 2018
Mike Williams - On Sustainability, Carbon, and Big Data - Episode 005
Monday May 21, 2018
Monday May 21, 2018
In this episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with Mike Williams, a professional engineer who has spent his career specializing in sustainable design, green standards compliance, carbon reduction, and developing energy efficiency strategies. Mike has been a key contributor to some of Canadaʼs greenest buildings, including the CANMET Materials and Testing Laboratory in Hamilton, and the Elementary Teachersʼ Federation Headquarters in Toronto, both of which earned LEED Platinum certification and set new standards for sustainability in their communities.
I’ve known Mike Williams for many years, and recently I have had the pleasure of collaborating with Mike on developing a Low-Carbon Roadmap for assisting our higher education clients to set and meet low carbon emission goals for their campuses. In addition to being one of the most highly regarded sustainability engineers in Canada, Mike is a lot of fun to work with! He is an innovative thinker and is great at bridging the divide between the big concept and the nitty gritty of implementation.
I hope you enjoy our conversation!
You can find show notes at: http://bit.ly/Mike_Williams_Pod
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