
Saturday Sep 21, 2019
Episode 017 | Aaron Myran: Climate Change Is Not Partisan - It’s Our Future!
Saturday Sep 21, 2019
Saturday Sep 21, 2019
Aaron Myran is the founder and director of Future Majority, a non-profit, non-partisan organization dedicated to amplifying the collective voice of young Canadians, and through Future Majority, it’s pretty clear to me that Aaron is going to have a BIG impact on Canada’s future! In this episode I talked with Aaron about how he ended up as a political organizer; the role he sees for the Future Majority organization in helping to engage the youth vote in the upcoming Canadian Federal Election; the critically important role of an engaged young electorate in meeting the huge environmental challenges we now face; and what advice he would have for someone setting out to make a difference.
You can read more about this podcast in the Show Notes.
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