
Friday Sep 21, 2018
Friday Sep 21, 2018
In this podcast I spoke with Dale Prest, CEO of the Climate Forest Company (CFC). We talked about the global carbon cycle and our future ability to reduce both greenhouse gas emissions and existing atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide through more effective forest management practices. As the CEO of CFC Dale explores and devises strategies to fight climate change through sustainable forest management, for example, by incenting maritime woodlot owners to manage their forests to store carbon, and by creating innovative forest products that displace fossil-fuel intensive products like concrete and steel.
In our conversation we discuss how the sustainable management of forests is an important opportunity for reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations – that are now over 400ppm. Dale points out that current clear-cutting practices by many of the world’s forest harvesting companies accounts for 20 percent of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere (!), and that simply by changing forest management and harvesting methods we could make a huge dint in our global greenhouse gas emissions. We also talk about the global carbon cycle, and our future ability to reduce both emissions and existing atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide.
You can find show notes at: http://bit.ly/Dale_Prest
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