
Friday Dec 21, 2018
Craig Applegath - Year in Review - Episode 012
Friday Dec 21, 2018
Friday Dec 21, 2018
It’s been a real pleasure producing this series! I’ve learned a lot, as I hope you have! So thanks very much for tuning in! Instead of trying to summarize all of the ideas explored over the year, I have instead focused on three themes that really seemed to resonate with listeners, and have pulled excerpts from the podcasts that best exemplified these themes. I also thought it would be appropriate to close this year’s podcast series with excerpts of the answers to the question that I typically asked at the end of each interview. And that is: “What advicewould you offer listeners about what they can do to be a part of making a difference in meeting the challenges of the 21st Century imperative?”
I look forward to returning in 2019 for another year of podcasts where we will continue to explore the approaches and insights of scientists, designers, planners, engineers, business entrepreneurs, and other successful change-makers, who are finding effective ways to meet the challenges of21st Century Imperative.
You can find show notes at: http://bit.ly/Pod_Year_Review
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