
Tuesday Aug 21, 2018
Brad Bradford - Planning and Politics for Sustainable Cities - Episode 008
Tuesday Aug 21, 2018
Tuesday Aug 21, 2018
In this episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with Brad Bradford.
I first met Brad in 2011 when he was the President of the Canadian Association of Planning Students, and I was speaking about Resilience in the face of Climate Change Impacts at the annual CAPS conference he had helped organize. I distinctly remember being very impressed when I first met Brad, especially by his keen awareness of the planning issues associated with Climate Change, as well as complex realities of trying to address these issues.
Brad is now an urban planner and community activist, with specialty expertise in sustainable and district energy planning, a passionate cyclist and competitive bike racer, and he is now entering the world of politics by running for Toronto City Council in Beaches-East York (Ward 19).
Until leaving the City of Toronto to run for City Council, Brad was responsible for Stakeholder Engagement and Special Projects in the Office of the Chief Planner at the City of Toronto where he spent his time working with government, the private sector, non-profits, and community groups to broaden discussions around the kind of city we want to be. Brad is passionate about in the interconnected issues of inclusivity, affordability, transit and the environment.
Through his role at the City, and as a future City Councillor, Brad is working to diversify voices in decision-making and bring more people to the table to discuss city-building issues. In 2016 Brad won the Canadian Institute of Planners President’s Award for his work on the FutureFORWARD Task Force. And as an avid cyclist, Brad launched the Toronto Hustle project in 2017 to develop the next generation of Canadian athletes, while providing a platform for active transportation advocacy across North America.
I hope you enjoy our conversation!
You can find show notes at: http://bit.ly/Brad_Bradford
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